Rehabilitation Skills Checklist

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Directions for Completing Skills Checklist

The following is a list of equipment and/or procedures performed in rendering care to patients. Please indicate the level of experience/proficiency with each and, where applicable, the types of equipment and/or systems with which you are familiar.

Use the following KEY as a guideline:
A) Theory Only/No Experience - Didactic instruction only, no hands-on experience.
B) Limited Experience - Knows procedure/has used equipment, but has done so infrequently or not within the last six months.
C) Moderate Experience - Able to demonstrate equipment/procedure, performs the task/skill independently with only resource assistance needed.
D) Proficient/Competent - Able to demonstrate/perform the task/skill proficiently without any assistance and can instruct/teach.

Clinical Skills

Wound Care/ Surgical
Wound Care/ Medical
Dressing Changes
Skin Assessment
Suture Staple removal
Cast Care
PICC insertion
Total Joint replacements
Prosthesis Application
Sliding boards
Stroke precautions
Assistive devices
Discharge planning
Standard extremity braces
TPN protocols and site care
Team charting
Stump wrapping
GT/PEG feedings
Oxygen delivery devices
Nebulizer use
Head injury
Tracheostomy care
MSDS assessments
UR/ Medicare review

Age Specific:

Infant (Birth to 1 year)
Toddler (1-3 years)
Pre-school (3-6 years)
School Age (6-12 years)
Adolescent ( 12-18 years)
Young Adult ( 18-30 years)
Mature Adult (30-60 years)
Elderly (>60 years)
MM slash DD slash YYYY